Other Countries:
General Sites:
($) Ancestry.com--World Subscription
($) MyHeritage.com-- https://www.myheritage.com/login
World Gen Web-- http://www.worldgenweb.org
Check other tabs on the web-site project, such as newspapers, for additional information.
Country Specific Sites:
British Isles:
Helpful FamilySearch Article:
Danish Parish register and population censuses on the internet. Top link is in English. Scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on registering (free) and using the site. This is the site recommended by individuals from Denmark.
Finland: Genealogical Society of Finland: project includes lists of christenings, marriages, burials and moves.
Netherlands (Holland):
Slovakian Records:
When you scroll down, you will get the home pages for the seven different archives in the Czech Republic. Here is an example: click on the "State Regional Archive for Litomerice. At the upper right, click on the English translation option. On that same page, click on the "Vital Records Search." On the next page, click on Archivni VadeMecum - Vital Records Search. On the next page, just click on the book cover that appears. There you will have a pdf for instruction on how to use the database, etc.
General Sites:
($) Ancestry.com--World Subscription
($) MyHeritage.com-- https://www.myheritage.com/login
World Gen Web-- http://www.worldgenweb.org
Check other tabs on the web-site project, such as newspapers, for additional information.
Country Specific Sites:
British Isles:
Helpful FamilySearch Article:
- ($/ Free) Find My Past-- http://www.findmypast.co.uk/home.jsp Available at LDS FamilySearch Centers. Some content available without a subscription.
- ($) The Genealogist-- http://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/index.php Available at LDS FamilySearch Centers.
- British Isles Genealogy-- http://www.bigenealogy.com/
- ($) British Origins-- http://www.britishorigins.com/ British, Scottish and Irish records; includes marriage registers, wills, court and apprentice records, as well as downloadable images of original maps and plans used in 19th surveys. Most of this information is not available anywhere else on the internet.
- Curious Fox-- http://www.curiousfox.com/ CuriousFox, the village by village contact site for anyone researching family history, genealogy and local history in the UK and Ireland.
- Dusty Docs: dustydocs.com/ Don't miss this one!
- FamilyResearch--English, Scottish and Irish-- http://www.lineages.co.uk/ English, Scottish, Irish and some Quebec Canada information and links
- Free BMD-- http://www.freebmd.org.uk/ 1837-1915 Civil records of births, marriages, deaths—Partial indexes
- Free U.K. Genealogy-- http://freeukgen.rootsweb.com/ Home site for FreeCEN, FreeBMD and FreeREG
- GENUKI-- http://www.genuki.org.uk/ Search tool for finding British sources (indexes and images)
- Gravestone Photographic Resource-- http://gravestonephotos.com/index.php Currently most entries are from England or "British Colonies"
- Lancashire Online Parish Clerk--http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/
- Streetmap Search--http://www.streetmap.co.uk/
- U.K. Census Online-- http://www.freecen.org.uk/ 1841-1891 Censuses—Partial indexes and transcribed households
- UK Genealogy Archives-- http://www.uk-genealogy.org.uk/index.html OF SPECIAL NOTE: Parish Registers and Phillimore Marriage Records-- http://www.uk-genealogy.org.uk/Registers/
- UK Genealogy Links-- http://www.genealogylinks.net/uk/index.html
- ($ & Free) UK National Archives Document Search-- http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/SearchUI/Home/OnlineCollections Direct link to Document search: U.K. Government Documents
- United Kingdom National Archives-- http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ Website use is free, but there is a fee for looking at document images
- Very Helpful Resource: The Workhouse-- http://www.workhouses.org.uk/
- Dusty Docs: dustydocs.com/ Don't miss this one!
- Irish Genealogy-- http://irishgenealogy.ie/ View nearly 3 million pre-1900 church records free of charge
- Helpful handout about Scottish Research-- www.preservingtime.org/uploads/7/5/3/4/7534482/scotlandfirstlook.pdf
- Scotland’s Places - Land and Tax records, Maps-- scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/
- National Library of Scotland-- www.nls.uk/
- Dusty Docs: dustydocs.com/ Don't miss this one!
- Scotland Research Portfolio-- https://sites.google.com/site/scotlandresearchportfolio/
- ($)Scotland’s People-- www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk
- Early Vital Records of Nova Scotia-- www.novascotiagenealogy.com
- Canadian Genealogy Center-- http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/
- Dansk Demografisk Database-- http://ddd.dda.dk/kiplink_en.htm
- Arkivalier-- www.arkivalieronline.dk/English/default.aspx
Danish Parish register and population censuses on the internet. Top link is in English. Scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on registering (free) and using the site. This is the site recommended by individuals from Denmark.
- My Danish Ancestors-- http://mydanishancestors.com/
Finland: Genealogical Society of Finland: project includes lists of christenings, marriages, burials and moves.
- GeneaNet-- http://www.geneanet.org/
- (Joe Beine) German Roots German Genealogy: www.germanroots.com/
- Verein für Computergenealogie e.V.: http://compgen.de/
- English section of site: http://www.gedbas.de/ More information is available on the German section of the web-site
Netherlands (Holland):
- Wie Was Wie- Formerly:Genlias-- https://www.wiewaswie.nl/
- GenVer-- http://genver.nl/
- National Archives of Norway-- http://arkivverket.no/Digitalarkivet
- http://poznan-project.psnc.pl/ (Poznan, Poland Research)
Slovakian Records:
When you scroll down, you will get the home pages for the seven different archives in the Czech Republic. Here is an example: click on the "State Regional Archive for Litomerice. At the upper right, click on the English translation option. On that same page, click on the "Vital Records Search." On the next page, click on Archivni VadeMecum - Vital Records Search. On the next page, just click on the book cover that appears. There you will have a pdf for instruction on how to use the database, etc.
- http://digi.ceskearchivy.cz/DA?lang=en&menu=0&doctree=1maa (Czech Research)
- ($) ArkivDigital-- http://www.arkivdigital.net/ ArkivDigital is the largest private provider of Swedish Church Records and other Historical Records online! All images are newly photographed images of the original documents. Over 30 million color images at your disposal. Available Free at LDS FamilySearch Centers.